Quick Guide to Light Exposure for Plants | Moss Ball Kokedamas

Are you looking for a fun and unique way to display your plants? Consider trying moss ball kokedamas! These beautiful handmade technique is perfect for plants that prefer a humid environment and can be displayed as centerpieces, on coffee tables, shelves, and more. But how do you know which direction to place them in, and how much light they need? Let's take a look at a chart that explains the ideal light exposures for plants in moss ball kokedamas.

First, let's talk about the four different window exposures: north, south, east, and west. These are important to consider when placing your moss ball kokedama, because they can greatly affect the amount of light your plant receives.

  • North Window: This is the least sunny exposure, and provides low to medium light. Plants that prefer indirect light, such as ferns and ivy, thrive in this type of exposure.


  • South Window: This is the sunniest exposure, and provides medium to bright light. Plants that prefer bright light, such as succulents, ficus bonsai and cacti, thrive in this type of exposure.


  • East Window: This exposure provides medium light, and is perfect for plants that prefer morning sun, such as orchids and Anthuriums.


  • West Window: This exposure provides medium light, and is perfect for plants that prefer afternoon sun, such asĀ Ponytail PalmsĀ and philodendrons.

Now, let's look at the chart that separates light exposures by winter and summer sun transit:

North Window South Window East Window West Window
Winter Low to Medium Light Medium to Bright Light Medium Light Medium Light
Summer Low to Medium Light Bright Light Medium to Bright Light Medium to Bright Light



The following images are examples of the light exposure inside and outside of the house:

example of light exposure inside the house
example of light exposure outdoors
It's important to note that the frequency of watering can also vary depending on the amount of light your plant is receiving. During summer months, if your plant is exposed to direct or bright light, it may require more frequent watering. As a rule of thumb, you can lift the moss ball to determine if it needs water. If it feels lightweight, it needs water. If it feels heavy, it's good to go.

For small kokedamas, watering once every 7 days is usually recommended. For medium kokedamas, watering once every 10-14 days is recommended. For large kokedamas, watering once every 14-21 days is recommended. However, these watering frequencies may vary depending on the plant species and the amount of light it receives.

In conclusion, moss ball kokedamas are a beautiful and unique way to display your plants, and they can thrive in a variety of light exposures. By following this chart and understanding the different light preferences of your plants, you can create a beautiful and healthy environment for them to grow. Remember to lift the moss ball to determine if it needs water, and adjust the watering frequency as needed.

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